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Monday, Oct 14th / 2:00pm @ The Buckeye Bar Show
The busiest bars in the country have one thing in common, they have something going on every night of the week. But who has the time for that?
Mike Matsinger, the founder of World Tavern Entertainment, is a fun and high-energy personality that will show you the key elements to planning and executing KICK-ASS PROMOTIONS in your bar!
Why you NEED something going on every night of the week.
Why your current promotions may be the best-kept secret in town.
How your promotions define the customers you attract.
There's more to holidays than St. Patrick's Day!
The 3 types of must-have promotions.
How to maximize your BIG EVENTS!
How to plan and execute a full year of promotions.

If you manage a bar and aren't running promotions 365 days a year, this is a MUST SEE presentation.

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