Watch How World Tavern Trivia Can Help Put Butts In Your Bar Seats
America's Most Exciting Bar Trivia
Bar Trivia with a Twist
World Tavern Trivia is an exciting live trivia league that can turn one of your slowest nights into one of your busiest!
Each week, dozens of customers will compete at your bar to see who has the biggest bar brain. The more questions they answer correctly, the more Brain Cells (points) they accumulate.

Trivia teams will spend 2-3 hours
Eating, Drinking & Thinking to see
who has the biggest bar brain!
All Bar Trivia Is Not Created Equal!
While other trivia companies simply write a set of questions and hope it works for you, World Tavern Trivia provides tons of options with 14 exciting categories including The Playground, Tone Deaf and even Heavy Petting.
Print, Television or Mobile
World Tavern Trivia gives you the choice to print your weekly games, view them on your televisions, or even read the questions right from your phone. Whichever you choose, your game can be automatically sent to you each week!

From posters, flyers, promo cards, social media ads and more, World Tavern Trivia will give you the tools to draw in even more trivia customers to your bar every week!
Powerful Marketing Tools

Trivia players are not only big spenders, but are also VERY competitive. With World Tavern Trivia they can see how their Bar Brain rates against other teams in your bar, across the state or across the country!
Bar, State, & Nationals Leaderboards

Track Your Success
Each week you can log on to the site and see how your promotion is doing. Tracks trends, player turnout, email your teams, and get new teams signed up in a flash.

Customers You Can Count On!
World Tavern Trivia will keep 30, 40 or more customers coming back 52 weeks a year to play. Imagine how that can help your business!
Bigger Crowds & Bigger Sales
With World Tavern Trivia