Your Promo Pack is on the way.
Now it's time to get ready for your Kickoff event!
1. Your Social Media Marketing Kit
Social Media Checklist
1. Change Your Facebook Page Header
Change your facebook header image two weeks prior to your first event. This will let all of your visitors know when your kick-off event is. Click here if you need instructions.
2. Create A Series Of Events
Take a few moments to create your weekly Poker Night for the entire year.
Click here if you need detailed instructions.
3. Post Your Kickoff Graphic
Pin your kickoff graphic post with the following text:
Join us on (day/date) at (time) as we Kick-Off our Poker Nights with World Tavern Poker, America's #1 Poker League. We will have great specials, prizes, and more. Plus World Tavern Poker gives away more than $100,000 a year in prizes!
Get started here
4. Post Daily, Leading Up To Your Event
Every week, the day before poker night and every week promoting your poker nights.
5. Post Pictures Of Your Event
Share the excitement of your poker night including the winners!
6. Utilize Social Media 52 Weeks A Year!
Our most successful venues use social media every week to promote their poker nights.