Ugly Sweaters and Bowl Games at Your Bar

This week, invite your customers to guzzle down some hot cocoa and party in winter’s worst wool as we celebrate the holiday season.
Wednesday 12/13: National Cocoa Day
What’s better than a cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter day? Hot chocolate with booze… that’s what.
Celebrate National Cocoa Day by promoting your cocoa inspired cocktails. Add Bailey’s, Kahlua, Rum or even Whiskey to hot chocolate to warm up those belly’s this week.
Friday 12/15: National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
It’s that time of year to whip out your best (or worst) ugly Christmas sweater, time to shine! Host a sweater party and encourage your customers to wear the ugliest of all Christmas sweaters for a chance to win prizes.
Have a contest for a few different categories such as most creative, ugliest sweater and funniest. Bonus points to any homemade sweaters.
Saturday 12/16 – Saturday 12/30: NCAA Bowl Games
Bowl season is approaching, and fans are getting excited. Play the games and add some more excitement by adding bowl game specials for your customers to enjoy with friends.