How to Make Your Bar Feel like Home

Having a sense of community in a bar is not an easy task. Regulars can get snooty and just sitting at an uneventful bar does not bring people together. Make conversation easy among your guests with a Community Night. This could be a number of things that becomes an ice breaker for the whole neighborhood.
This event would be set up occasionally (maybe once or twice a month) and would allow guests to showcase their talents. If it picks up quickly and draws a huge crowd, make it more frequent.
Just to name a few examples of what community night can be....
You Be The Host Night
Customers host an open mic night, trivia night, bingo...
Vend Your Business
This gives guests an opportunity to show off their hobby whether it be sewing, jewelry-making, painting, anything!
Show off Your Talents
This would be more 'talent show' style. People get on stage and sing, act, dance, mime, whatever!
You are allowing customers to use your bar/restaurant as a platform for their hobby or business! it is an amazing conversation starter amoung people inturn benefitting everyone included!