Celebrate Social Media Day at Your Bar!

Have you ever heard of a social media takeover? This is when brands get someone else to run their page for a limited amount of time. It’s usually a celebrity or social media influencer, but why not let a trusted patron of your bar run your social media for the night?
It’s important that you get the right person to run your account for the day. A regular that knows your staff well is a great choice - because after all, you’re trusting them to post engaging and respectful content about your establishment.
Give the person you choose specific guidelines. How many times do you want them to post? Are there topics you don’t want them to cover? Does your bar have Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter? Do you want this person to post to all your social media sites? Think about these things before you hand over that password!
Before the takeover, make sure you advertise that you’re doing a social media takeover. This way, people know to look for what the person you choose will be posting.
Give the person taking over your social media some free reign, too. The funnier and looser things are, the more likely it is people will react. The idea is to attract more people to your venue, so make sure the person you pick has a good sense of humor and can interject some topical fun in their posts.
When all is said and done, be sure to thank your regular...and change your password after it's done!